I didn’t read much fiction as a kid since most of my time was consumed with history or classics, but I think I would’ve enjoyed this kind of thing back then. These books are pretty short since they’re meant to be released in episodes, which could be good for children with shorter attention spans.
Kristy is a little girl that lost her mother and father after supernatural forces swept through the world. Werewolves are the main focus of this episode, but other monsters exist beyond this forest. Without spoiling too much, I’ll say she’s adopted by some survivors hiding in a cave and has to adjust to a life surrounded by ravenous creatures. It’s a tough world for a kid to grow up in, so it’ll be interesting to see how it shapes her from book to book.
Sometimes the character interactions feel a little rough or rushed, and the plot can move from point to point very quickly, but that’s not really something a kid is going to pick up on. Besides, these are intended to be short and sweet, not long, drawn out, and gritty.
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